Monday, February 28, 2011

find yourself

Finding yourself is an enlightening experience. You become self-sufficient and do things for others without expectations of something in return. You are no longer needy and become utterly grateful for all the things people have done for you in the past. Finding yourself is a time of harmony because you develop that philosophy or belief system that will carry you throughout the rest of your life. When you love yourself and who you are, you will savor and enjoy both life's pain and pleasures.

How do you know you have found yourself? When you are able to help others find themselves. Finding yourself is not easy. If you have never felt connected to who you are, and you want to find whatever makes you you, being yourself will be hard. The first step is always the hardest, but after that hill, you will be smooth sailing to discovering who you are.

  • Create your own life's life timeline
  • Prepare to recommence with a clean slate
  • Let go of the need to be loved by all and accept that some people still think you stink
  • Learn to rely on yourself.  
  • Sort out your career path
  • Immerse yourself in solitude.
  • Ask yourself every question in the book
  • Keep a written record of your answers to the series of questions in the former step.
  • Act upon your newly discovered knowledge
  • Be ready for dead ends
  • Serve others. Mahatma Gandhi once said that "the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others".  
  • You're never as bad or as good as people say.
  • Resist the urge to feel like you're the only one going through this. In Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison once summed this up well: All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself.
  • Although it's a cliche, the term Be yourself really does count when it comes to finding yourself. Make sure no one influences who you are; by all means listen to others and learn from them but let the final choices, decisions, and acceptances be your own. If you simply capitulate to what others think, it will make finding yourself even harder since people are influencing who you think you are.
  • Don't be afraid to sleep on it. There's no hurry in making decisions, and you'll be more likely to make good ones if your mind is calm and rested.
  • Be forgiving and learn to let go.
find!!find!! please find yourself...

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Frown and you frown alone, but smile and the whole world smiles with you. Not just any smile will do, though. With 19 variations on the smile, including 16 produced by enjoyable emotions,smiling is an incredibly important part of our lives. If you're looking to develop a genuine, infectious smile that can make a bad date turn good, seal a business deal, or help you make friends wherever you go, this article will help you on your way. It's fun, fast, and easy! But best of all, it's a natural way to make yourself and others feel really good.

  • Opportunities for smiling are all around you. Make the most of them.
  • You don't need perfect teeth to have a perfect smile. Not everybody has perfect teeth, and that's okay. Beautiful teeth are nice, but a great smile doesn't depend on standard model's teeth. That said, if you feel uncomfortable about your teeth you may be reluctant to smile, and that's no good. If that's the case, either learn to appreciate your individuality or look into cosmetic dentistry procedures. Or, you could smile with your mouth closed if preferred.
  • Wear clothes that smile. Add to your positive body language the color of happiness. Yellow is the color for dependability. A soft yellow is non-threatening and friendly. Warm colors from the yellow family are welcoming. Golds, browns, golden-oranges, are all dependable colors of friendship. Blues are passive and calm colors. In the visual language, soft blues project a serenity and quiet peacefulness. Avoid reds that are come across as aggressive and threatening.
  • You've probably heard of "contagious" or "infectious" smiles. There's a reason for this – when you smile, it tends to make others around you smile. Even in the most stressful times, a roomful of smiles can brighten everybody's mood.
  • Ever laugh hysterically about something you've just seen? Take that memory but just laugh slightly and now you have a natural pretty smile.
  • A lot of men feel uncomfortable about smiling at strangers, especially at other males. If that is the case, then just offer a casual "Hi", or "Hey man!", or "What's goin' on?". It works just as well, and feels less awkward for a lot of guys.
  • Try a light smile: don't show as many teeth as you would when you're laughing. It's the best smile for flirting - light and seductive.
  • If you have a tooth that pokes out a bit at the side, as many people sometimes do, try to get your lip to go above it so your lip doesn't catch on the tooth when you smile.
  • Don't compare yourself to the celebrities you see on TV, in pictures, etc., because they are faking it. Instead, be yourself, be natural, and be genuine. Everybody has a smile waiting to burst out from inside them somewhere!
  • Pretend like you're laughing when you're smiling.
p/s*smile! smile! say cheese!!!

    Saturday, February 26, 2011

    How to Be a Lazy College Student

    To become a lazy college student, one must first obtain a mind of absolute rest.
    Try learning how to meditate or learn how to waste a day completely first.
    Remember and always remembers........
    A lazy, stressed student is not a happy lazy student.
    • Before commencing school, gather up resources to help you fall back upon.
    • The larger the school, the easier it will be to keep your grades up without doing much actual work
    • Consider majoring in communications or secondary education.
    • Consider investing in a recording device.
    • Cram before going to bed and on the way to school
    • While in class, try practicing (or learning) some pen tricks or try writing with your bad hand
    • If all fails, and you are working, the best thing to do is to poke your friends so they can't concentrate, it's always a good idea to have someone go down with you
    • Become addicted to a MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role-playing game) like runescape, guild wars, or world of warcraft
    • College is not the be all, end all of a happy, peaceful life. There are many things you can do, if only you would allow yourself to think about them. Remember, most of the things you want to do can be done in this lifetime.
    • Choose classes that are interesting to you. This is important! Not every class that sounds easy will be easy!
    • A school that is close to your residence helps a lot.
    • Only take classes from untenured assistant professors. They are scared to death of their student evaluations and grade easier. Most school catalogues have the professor's rank.
    • Don't spread out your classes too much, you might be forced to study in between breaks!
    p/s* I find this quite interesting to apply in my daily life

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    be confident

    We are all human and have flaws. Even if your physical appearance or social skills aren't what you wish they were, that doesn't have to stop you from being confident. Here's how to believe in yourself.

    • Don't compare yourself with other people. It is a wasteful pursuit, and you could be doing something better with your time and energy. Know what you, personally, want and expect from yourself, and focus on attaining those things. The things that you want and expect from yourself don't have anything to do with how you measure up to others.
    • Consider attending leadership classes. Learn to take control of things. If you are in school, then consider running for a social position, such as a president of a club. The ability to lead others and respond to others' behavior under your leadership will help to bring you self confidence.
    • Listen to your inner monologue—your inner voice. In situations where you believe you lack confidence, realize that your inner voice is telling you negative things. You need to retrain that inner voice to be positive in those situations.
    • Speak positively at all times. When you hear yourself saying something negative about yourself, instantly replace it with a positive comment.
    • Slow down all of your movements including your walking speed. Quick movements and actions are the product of someone who is nervous and not in control.
    • Write down a detailed, thought-out list of values which are important to you. Then you can observe everything that happens in your life through these values and evaluate how to react to events. By judging yourself according to your own values, rather than everyone else's values, you're giving yourself expectations that you can actually achieve.
    • Be thankful for what you have. A lot of the times, at the root of insecurity and lack of confidence is a feeling of not having enough of something, whether it's emotional validation, good luck, money, etc. By acknowledging and appreciating what you do have, you can combat the feeling of being incomplete and unsatisfied. Finding that inner peace will do wonders for your confidence.
    • Ask for what you want. If everybody's going to the movies, and most people in the group want to see a particular movie, but you'd rather watch something else, speak up! There's nothing wrong with voicing your opinion, and it doesn't have to mean you're making a demand. Simply reminding people that you're an individual with your own preferences is a big step forward. Even asking someone to help you do something will help.
    • Do something for yourself. Do one thing you have been wanting to do, but are afraid someone else will not like. Dye your hair, get that new look, have a treat that you enjoy, go on holiday....whatever you do, do it for yourself, and practice not worrying what anyone else thinks about it.
    • Be yourself don't be afraid to ask questions!!!
    • When you look in the mirror don't look for flaws, instead smile and tell yourself you look pretty today.
    personally....this methods quite effective towards me....
    try it!!!

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011

    be photogenic!!

    Do you dislike having your picture taken because you always seem to come out looking hideous?
    Felt jealous of your friend who always comes out flawless in photos?
    What’s the deal with pictures?
    While being photogenic just comes naturally to some people, there are a few things that anyone can do to look better in photos. Here a few tips that I have learnt.....
    • Study pictures of models and other photogenic people. If appropriate for your personality, experiment with mimicking their poses and angles.
    • Always aim to stand or sit at a slight angle to the camera.
    • Model photos are not what family members or friends are looking for in a picture. Don't overdo the modeling poses.
    • When in a seated group shot, be sure the chairs are placed as close together as possible. Instead of leaning in, sit up straight and relax.
    • Have your close friends look at the pictures you've taken to help you ascertain when you look your best. Sometimes, a critical second set of eyes is a great help.
    • People with highly animated faces stand a better chance of getting captured during a transient grotesque expression. Frame-by-frame video is a great way to see significant differences between the photogenic and the not-so-photogenic.
    • Practice smiling in front of the mirror. In no time you'll know which smile looks fake and which is the most flattering. Learning how your face moves will help when someone grabs for the camera. Smile using your top row of teeth: it may feel unnatural but a smile with both rows of teeth can easily look fake.
    • Keep your tongue behind your teeth.
    • If it is a full-length shot, position your body 45 degrees from the camera, then turn your head towards the lens. Stand with one foot crossed in front of the other and put all your weight on your back leg. This pose is very slimming and universally flattering.
    • While being photographed, try to keep all body parts as close to your torso and face as possible, as anything protruding directly at the camera will seem huge in the photo. The one exception is that some women often hold their arms just a couple inches or centimetres away from their body because holding them too close can exacerbate the look of flabby upper arms.
    • Three seconds before the shutter clicks, have your head down, and then slowly bring it up. Don't jerk your head, though that may work. Smile while bringing your head up. When the picture is taken, your mouth should be in a fully relaxed smile. This way, your face is fully relaxed. Relax your eyes for the photo and feel relaxed. This may not work for all, so experiment when finding your photo taking style.
    • Don't look at the camera; look through it.
    • If taking your own photos, on a webcam, phone camera, digital camera or someting else, this takes practice. You'll need to learn the correct angle you want to take it at, so you can move your hand to the position.
    • Normal photographs are two dimensional, losing depth perception, making the subject look wider. For some individuals, this also makes the subject look more attractive.Interestingly, stereo 3D photos don't have a problem with "photogenicity" because the depth perception is maintained. You'll look as great as you do in real life!
    • If you have back trouble and can't physically achieve good posture, practice in front of the mirror till you find a way to make it look like an attractive slouch. Try leaning on something, turn, make it look natural.

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    are GIRLS evil? --- men's perspective

    Hye…girls outhere…my statement today quite harsh toward you’ll. “are GIRLS evil?”.
    Research had shown that it can even be proved even by mathematical reasonings.
    Are you all dare to face the reality?
    Here it goes……
    for girls outhere especially who are currently reading my blog…did you agree with this overwhelming statement? If you’re oppose…then it must comes with a ‘tough’ acquisition..isn’t it?

    proven diagramly...
    even Einstein prove that!!!

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    How tO uSe chOpsticks...

    Practice makes perfect when it comes to using chopsticks. It may look complicated but the key is that the bottom chopstick remains still while the upper chopstick moves to grasp the food. Here are a few steps to eating with chopsticks in no time.

    • Hold one chopstick between your thumb and middle finger. Position the chopstick so that it lies at the base of your thumb (on the joint) and at the lower joint of the middle finger. This chopstick shouldn't touch the forefinger.
    • Place the other chopstick between your thumb and forefinger. The side of the chopstick should rest against the tip of your thumb; the top of the chopstick should rest against the pad of your forefinger.
    • Be sure the tips of the chopsticks are parallel.

    • Keep the first chopstick stationary as you practice moving the second chopstick toward the stationary one.
    • Use this technique to position the chopsticks around a piece of food. Hold the food firmly as you lift it toward your mouth
    "potpourri of chopsticks"
    technology of today....
    read this

    Thursday, February 17, 2011

    Let's Make difference!!

    as far as I'm concern.... I had living in through this world without doing nothing else except the same kind like other people do....
    that's was unbeliveable!!!

    if I die young...might it be like a wind...
    "let the bygone be bygone"

    at least we must create unexist history that never ever created on the history of the world...
    but..still my mind repeats question, question and question!!!


    so...let's make a "anjakan paradigma"...


    which one is different??hmmm...

    let's see...

    Wednesday, February 16, 2011

    to BlOg or not to BlOg...

    Aisha wants to do some blogging but she is not well-understand how to get started so she asked her best friend, Damia.

    Aisha : are blogger...are you?

    Damia : Yeah... I am. Why?

    Aisha : Well...actually I just started to do some blogging. However, I don't know anything about blogging. How to do it? How to get started? How do you do it? Is it hard?

    Damia : It is as simple as ABC...But first let me tell you about blogging. Do you wanna know it?

    Aisha : Yeah....I'm quite overwhelming to know more about this...

    Damia : For your information, 'blog' is short for weblog, which is a frequently-updated online journal that shows entries in reverse chronological order.

    Aisha : I'm already know about it. Tell me something else.

    Damia :'s fine with me. 'Blogging', which is a new kind of journalism, means writing a personal journal that is publicly accessible on the Web. Blogging is an unique technology that gives everyone the ability to publish their own editorial content without having to be a professional journalist.

    Aisha : I can write it like that?

    Damia : can post anything you like or what is in your mind. There are no publisher to please, and your personality can shine through without restrictions.Did you know that?

    Aisha : Wow... I didn't know that by blogging itself can bias the personality since it is inexpensive and easy. Ain't it?

    Damia : Since it is inexpensive and easy, it is also popular to the crowd. All you needed is a simple blogging software, and no technical skills are required. Typically, blogs contain hyperlinks to other websites, adding to their value.

    Aisha : Hmm...that's a lot of information for me.

    Damia : I think that's all for the starter. If you wanna know more regarding blog, you can meet me at my room. I must attend class right now.

    Aisha : Thanks for your helps.

    Damia : It's my pleasure.
    by Azizi and Hisyam